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In the Office of the Mayor President- Baton Rouge, I worked as an Intern on the office's Healthy City Initiative, Healthy Baton Rouge. In the Healthy Baton Rouge office, I contributed many things to better the Office of the Mayor President as a whole. I generated weekly emails to community partners involving obesity, clinical trials, and Baton Rouge area events regarding various health-related issues. I also developed a strategic promotional plan for Healthy Baton Rouge’s website re-launch, and created a one-day family fitness event titled "Family Fit Day" for members of the Louisiana community to attend to learn more about ways to achieve family fitness goals.


When I first joined the Office of the Mayor President, the Healthy Baton Rouge website was outdated and needed a makeover. Not only did I redesign their current website, but I also developed content to distribute via the website,


Within a six month period, I planned and marketed the community event Family Fit Day. The majority of my time working on the project was spent organizing partners to attend the event, and I also spent a lot of time distributing information to potential event attendees by promoting the Healthy BR brand, and telling people about the event itself on Social Media. Below is the event on Facebook, which garnered success, and a Facebook profile photo frame I created to promote Healthy BR.

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